Beiträge von Marco1212

    Hallo Marco
    folgende Lösung: wenn die Meldung erscheint auf den Desctop umschalten, dann Systemeinstellungen- Sicherheit- Allgemein-einloggen, danach wieder auf den Xplane schalten und auf "Anwenden" klicken, bei der Systemeinstellung erscheint jetzt "Trotzdem öffnen" na klar. Bei jedem Plugin auf "trotzdem öffnen" am Schluss, wenn XPlane geladen ist
    XPlane wieder schliessen und neustarten,. Jetzt erfolgt bei jedem plugin die Frage "öffnen" na klar und schon funktioniert alles wieder.
    Ich hoffe damit allen MAC Usern geholfen zu haben!!! (von wegen "sagte ichs doch" an Hermann)

    Ciao Urs,
    vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine ausführliche Erklärungen. Was ich aber noch gerne fragen und wissen wollte. Sind das die einzigen Dinge die man machen muss oder hattest Du noch andere ungewohnte und lästige Verhaltensweise mit Deinem XP feststellen können. Falls Du auch den B737-800 von Zibo fliegst, hattest Du damit Probleme?

    Hat schon jemand von Euch iMac'ern den Mut gehabt auf Catalina upzudaten und den XP11.41r1 zu testen?

    Ich noch nicht....

    Release note:
    3.38.11 fix:
    - corrected systems
    - corrected AP disconnect sound and lights
    - fixed issue with fmod sound (replay mode)
    - fixed select SID, STAR, APP

    Release note:
    3.38.10 fix:
    - fixed typo bugs
    - fixed bug in calculation DECEL for "FL100" restrict (wrong calculation in some cases)
    - fixed bug for calculate distance to next WPT (affect on VNAV descent)
    - fixed bug in read restrict speeds for descent
    - corrected VNAV descent speed (by CI)
    - gently tuned LVL CHG / VNAV SPD

    Testflug: EDDP - ENGM = OK

    Release note:
    3.38.9 fix:
    - new code for LVL CHG / VNAV SPD
    - corrected Direct To feature
    - fixed bugs (HUD in VR, LVL CHG,...)

    Testflüge: EDDP-EDDW und EDDL-LEBL = OK

    Release note:
    3.38.8 fix:
    - fixed bugs (trasponder, ADF radios,...)
    - corrected calculation N1 limits (cruise, climb, continuous, turbulence)

    Testflug: EGLL-LSZH = OK

    Release note:
    3.38.6 fix:
    - fixed bugs (calculate N1 limits, PFD,...)

    Testflug: EDDW - EDDP = OK

    Scenery EDDW von FSDG-Bremen sieht fantastisch aus!

    Release note:
    3.38.4 fix:
    - fixed bugs (decode SID/STAR/APP, Vstall,...)
    - add option "Priority TX COM radio" to EFB (General config settings)

    Testflug: LSZH-LSGG = OK

    Release note:
    3.38 Full

    - add airstairs textures for AXP liveries (thanks to @enjxp)
    - add command Airstairs toggle
    - add toggle commands for lights
    - add support librain plugin (by Skiselkov) in VR (thanks to @Ekre)
    - add option for Ground power cabel connection - AUTO/BEACON (trigger)
    - add option for white bug on PFD (V2+15 or V2+20)
    - add opton Fix all failures on EFB (with detection custom failures)
    - add option FMC input lag (default OFF)
    - add option for XHSI (default OFF)
    - add option hard/smart/off for RA callouts (500ft, 1000ft, 2500ft)
    - add SKI effect to cabin windows
    - add option AUTO for passengers
    - gently tuned AP, AT
    - corrected graphics (EICAS, PFD rolling speed and alt tape, TCAS rings, heading rose on PFD, runway on PFD, ...)
    - corrected ND during align
    - add Cancel/Recall button on MFD
    - corrected systems (electric, hydraulic, bank angle selector...)
    - modeled LOC by RL pilot experience
    - add LOC/GLS disagree on PFD (frequency/course)
    - add automatic connect ground power cable after arrival to gate
    - add crossbleed start engine annunciate on EICAS/ENG
    - add manipulators for electric trim on yokes
    - add touchdown effect (not working in replay yet for Xplane 11.36 - working in Xplane 11.40)
    - tuned Autoland for new AP pitch servo code and new ROLLOUT code
    - add flaps vibration on the ground
    - fixed decode/populate STAR waypoints (with STAR and Destination Runway selected only)
    - fixed pressurization display
    - fixed FD TO/GA
    - add pages to FMC (some pages have static datas yet)
    - new electric system (modeled all basic buses, TR Units, Relays / all devices, systems,...)
    - add failures system (electric/hydraulic/systems... see EFB main menu)
    - add refuel system (see EFB ground services menu)
    - add Fueltruck and icons for Fueltruck, Failures... (thanks to @JBRIK)
    - read apt data from folder "Custom Scenery" too
    - fixed bugs

    Note1: "Fix all failures" - it fixed all failures: custom and xplane. You can fix failures on the ground and when plane stopped only. Caution: Remeber, if you set custom failure in flight, you can not fix any failures (fix failures on the ground only).

    Note2: Refuel - conditions: no engine running and aircraft can't move, set required fuel on page "Fuel, payload..." and use command "Call fueltruck" on page "Ground services". If you set "Refuel time" to short, you can't use fuel truck, fuel will add immediately.

    Note3: Ground power cabel connection - trigger AUTO: engines shutdown and APU not connected on bus (APU condition only after load plane at gate), - trigger BCN: engines shutdown and Anti-collision lights OFF

    Hallo an alle iMac'er,

    habe soeben im Xplane.ORG folgende News entdeckt:

    Posted 2 hours ago

    Steve I have just installed Catalina and as at this moment I am up the creek without the paddle.
    What a mess, ever get that feeling that you shouldn't have done something?
    x plane is up the spout as are all the aircraft.
    Despite LR's reassurance it is a mess.
    I am now trying to revert to mojave.